Today's Revival Leaders: Tuk-Tam and AUBG's Joint Initiative Brings Inspiration for Positive Change

“Dialogues” is a series of events that bring together the leaders of today for experience exchange, ideas generation, and policy discussions. A joint initiative of AUBG and Tuk-Tam, the series aims to motivate and inspire through the personal stories of people who have brought positive change in Bulgaria. The speakers at the first event titled “Dialogues on Today's Revival Leaders” -- Dr. Kalin Vasilev, Nadezhda Rangelova, Darin Madzharov, and Lazar Radkov -- can easily be described as revival leaders, or будители in Bulgarian, for the tireless way in which they work for a better and more just society. 

„Dare to act.“
„Stay together.“
„Keep learning.“
„Never give up.“